

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Magento: How to change Admin URL Path

In general, magento admin url path looks like this:


For security reason, you may want to change admin path. To do this:

Open app/etc/local.xml and find code like this:

You have to change below line:
Note: Where backstore can be replaced by the word of your choice.

Now save the file.

Clear your magento cache from System-->Cache Management
Now you are ready to use your new admin url path.

Enjoy :)


Shasing19 said...

I am glad that I discovered your post. My friend have been looking for a post regarding how to change Admin URL Path. She will be glad too for this. A lot of thanks.

Shasing|magento developer

Mohit Kumar Arora said...

Thanks Shasing19.

I am glad to help you.