

Saturday, March 31, 2012

Template path hints in admin panel

Yes, just like front-end, we can also see template path hints for Admin Panel in Magento:

Just use this query:

INSERT INTO core_config_data (scope, scope_id, path, value) VALUES ('default', 0, 'dev/debug/template_hints', 1), ('default', 0, 'dev/debug/template_hints_blocks', 1);

 Now, to remove these template paths from Admin Panel, just fire these two queries:

delete from core_config_data where scope='default' and scope_id=0 and path='dev/debug/template_hints_blocks' and value=1


delete from core_config_data where scope='default' and scope_id=0 and path='dev/debug/template_hints' and value=1

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